
Friday, May 30, 2008



開設零售店的同時,你必需設立店內的日常運作流程,使每天的營運更暢順。 日常的程序包括有開店,接待顧客,採購貨物,整理存貨,盤點存貨清單,點算營業額,保存營運的會計記錄,管理雇員及每天的閉店等。其它方面還包括有稅務的處理及引入專業的商業管理模式等。若由你獨力經營,則頗為吃力,如有一位得力的合伙人及一斑勤懇的雇員幫忙,每事則可順利完成。




回望所有成功的商店。他們至少每周都轉換店內的擺設。在店前及櫥窗更展示他們的新產品。 以顧客為本的商店平均一周一次。那麼在一個月內這類商店又作多少次類同的櫥窗或店前提升和推廣呢?世事變化萬千,產品日新月異,有策略的企業人必會作出即時反應,迎合精明的消費者。萬花筒的櫥窗或店前設計便能留着忠實的顧客們。


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Promotion Series 1 - Small Scale Exhibition Booth

Promotion is essential for all business especially under the fierce competitions environment. Sometimes, the small scale exhibition booth can accomplish a great deal more than their capabilities could undertake under a stringent budget. Nevertheless, even if the size was small, it did not mean that the opportunity to showcase one’s products to the potential buyers became less. While leaving the “ Promotion Challenge” to an experienced designer, a small dimension could still become a visual art and attracted a lot more visitors than expected.

Although the space for organizing the exhibits can be small, a skillful designer can create a spacious environment and cozy atmosphere by using different colors, certain lighting, and even special effect to give all visitors a feeling that they are not cramped into one tiny space. However, more often than not, exhibitors demand more than just a “comfy” cubical to showcase their promotional products as they intend to inject a positive commercial message to the visitors and hopefully, turning them into future buyers soon. Therefore, designers must not neglect the practicality of the exhibition booth while throwing all the new and trendy ideas to give the booth a make-up job. No matter how great the design can be, designer must not create an exhibition booth which gives an impression to the visitors that the exhibitor is so unreachable and inaccessible. Pulling the buyers and sellers together is the key to every exhibition organizers wants and the thought of such should be kept in the designer’s mind as the first priority.

As to attract more potential buyers, pin-pointing the characteristics and efficiency of the promotion products is highly suggested. Not only that, a thoughtful designer would outline the salient features of the products so as to make them more outstanding and noticeable. Of course, it would be an ideal case if a discussion area together with a storing space could be included in the exhibition area.

Apart from creating an imposing displaying area, exhibitors must also expose their products as much as possible. It sounds easy but it can be a disaster when this maneuver does not carry out properly. Many exhibitors, bearing too many ambitious plans in mind, are eager to reach their goals or sales target quickly and as such, cramp all of its products, sales staff, promotional brochures, and huge advertising signs into a small area. Therefore, while working on a small exhibition booth, designer must not focus only on the visual effect but also consider the practicality of the station.

2008 All Rights Reserved. Written by Ronald Chau. Website : www.pilconcept.com www.brainstuff.com.hk